Runtime Information

Uptime 2024-09-10 13:28:57.921030489 +0000 UTC
Working Directory /
Configuration reload Successful
Last successful configuration reload 2024-09-10 13:28:59 +0000 UTC
WAL corruptions 0
Goroutines 69
Storage Retention 15d

Build Information

Version 2.42.0+ds
Revision 2.42.0+ds-5+b5
Branch debian/sid
BuildDate 20230518-08:49:35
GoVersion go1.19.8



Head Stats

Number Of Series Number of Chunks Current Min Time Current Max Time
21261 134078 2024-10-08 16:00:01 +0000 UTC (1728403201160) 2024-10-08 18:30:22 +0000 UTC (1728412222646)
Total Query Time: 0.001 Seconds

Highest Cardinality Labels

Name Count
__name__ 889
name 258
display_name 219
process_id 166
mountpoint 71
le 70
collector 52
device 37
address 26
cpu 24

Highest Cardinality Metric Names

Name Count
windows_service_status 5016
windows_service_state 3344
windows_service_start_mode 2090
node_cpu_seconds_total 584
node_scrape_collector_duration_seconds 506
node_scrape_collector_success 506
windows_service_info 436
prometheus_http_request_duration_seconds_bucket 220
prometheus_http_response_size_bytes_bucket 198
node_filesystem_device_error 165

Label Names With Highest Cumulative Label Value Length

Name Length
__name__ 28488
display_name 5802
mountpoint 3188
name 2595
uuid 1040
process_id 665
version 459
address 418
product_serial 378
handler 357

Most Common Label Pairs

Name Count
job=XERVERS Windows Servers 11493
instance=Windows Management 6000
instance=Iperius Backup Server 5493
job=XERVERS Linux Servers 5071
__name__=windows_service_status 5016
job=XERVERS Routers 3775
__name__=windows_service_state 3344
__name__=windows_service_start_mode 2090
instance=Directadmin 1380
instance=R1 1055